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About the Healthy Rowhouse Project
Founded in December 2014 by the Design Advocacy Group, and now an initiative of the center for architecture and Design The Healthy Rowhouse Project is dedicated to improving substandard conditions and health in rowhouses occupied by low-and moderate-income Philadelphians. The Healthy Rowhouse Project is funded by the Oak Foundation and the Barra Foundation. Twenty Philadelphia leaders dedicated their time and expertise and formed an Advisory Commitee to shape the Healthy Rowhouse Project so the Project is inclusive of comprehensive policy, design, construction, and financing tools to assist low- and moderate-income rowhouse occupants improve their housing quality.
Jeff Allegretti, Innova Services Company
Paul Badger, The Badger Group, Building Industry Association
George Bantel, West Philadelphia Real Estate
Rickie Brawer, PhD MPH, Center for Urban Health, Jefferson University Hospitals
Kate Clark, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
Jeff Cohen, Bryn Mawr College
James Crowder, Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Jill Feldstein, Penn Center for Community Health Workers
Nan Feyler, JD, MPH, Public Health Expert
Andrew Goodman, New Kensington Community Development Corporation
Richard Greenwald, Stoneleigh Fellow, Office of the Mayor